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I Seek What Is Not Yours - By Mufundisi Dzindi (Part 1)

Chutupa chakasara kuhondo. My wife was so talkertive radio 2 inosara pasi. Ndakatomupa nickname yekuti kamuchacha, apa ndichandagwinyira sa...

Chutupa chakasara kuhondo. My wife was so talkertive radio 2 inosara pasi. Ndakatomupa nickname yekuti kamuchacha, apa ndichandagwinyira sambo yebenzi.

Mademands ake anouya nguva dzekurara and she does not cease demanding even zvinhu zvaanoona kuti its unrealistic. As a result taigona kuita the whole night ndichinetswa apa iye haaende kubasa. Saka she would sleep during the day ini ndikabva kubasa hondo yatanga. I did not fight her, but I tried engaged her relatives who also tried in vein to repremand her. Ndakange ndakutya kuenda kumba kangu after work, Kana ari maDemons iye ana Queen wacho chaiye.

This ended up affecting me kubasa, I am gainfully employed though varungu vangu vari varungu vatema asi vakarongeka kwazvo. Sometimes ndaienda kubasa nembatya dzisina kuwachwa kana kuainwa, Pamwe ndononoka kubasa because ndazobatwa nehope kunze kwakuchena then kuzomuka too late nguva dzaenda. This did not go down well with my employer who then called me for counselling.

It was arranged went on well and I ended opening up about my problem. I was given possible advises to solve the issue but hapana chakashanda. Ndaipedzisira ndakuti paperera hondo kumba kana kuri kuma3 am I would drive ndoenda kubasa ndonorarira mberi so I will not be late kubasa.
I Seek What Is Not Yours - By Mufundisi Dzindi (Part 1)
My workamates sympathised with me. Pabirthday ramadam zvinhu zvanga zvakapreser but hapana wandaigona kuudza, My wife would not take any of those cheap excuses. I ended up ndakukwereta mari kunabusiness executive kuti ndivasote for my own peace. My wife was to cold for comfort to be honest. My relatives gave up on me, she would not want to see them anywhere near my house. She would not respect any of them, one day mudhara wangu akashurwa masikati machena akazvishaira pazvo. But dzake hama, vaiita madiro chaiwo apa chikafu vachirova zvemhando yepamusoro. Ndakambowana vamwe mainini vachimwa tea, chingwa chakakazorwa butter, jam, dovi apa chakaruma mazai paside panechicken , sausage, beef nebeacon. zvakandibata hama dzangu because I imagined hanzvadzi dzangu nevafana kalife kavairarama. but panga pasina yekutamba.

Anyway,the business executive drove me to town she chose mapresents akati wandei aakatenga ndikati iwa zvawandisa zvikanzi dont worry it not a debt, the directors said we should do so. Chokwadi ndakaenda kumba musi uyo ndakafara kwazvo and naiye akafara kwazvo zvekuti kana bonde haa ndakamboenjoyer. But soon after that it was back to normal. Yandaiti normal yacho ihondo.

Our business executive would call me kuoffice kwake as soon ndapinda ondibvunza how are you chi chi imwe iya iya, achindigadzirisa gadzirisa kana ndauya ndakaita junk, she would show me how a woman should do, zvekuti ndaingoti vakaropafadzwa zvavo vacharoora madzimai akadai, isu takaroora mhuka yakamama moyo ikasiya duzvi panzvimbo yemoyo. The other day she took me kutown for new clothes because our busines partners veku SA were coming apa ini wacho ndange nditori ma1. I began trusting her and we discussed maissues akadzka eupenyu and I came to know kuti at 37 she had never been married uye ange asina mwana aingorohwa mahit and run nemachinda. Madzimai akadzidza aya akangoendeswa kuholiday zvake zvaita. But she has a very humble background mufunge zvenyu. Airoora manje ndiyo wastak. Takatanga kuwirirana zvakanyanya kwazvo, zvekuti amai vehuman resources vakatombojoker zvavo vakati Sheila uchatotora zvako mururme arikutambiswa uyu, mapudzi anowira kune vasina hari chokwadi. Watombopinda mumba wobata murume khaki soo! vakademba demba zvekuti ndakatoti aah amai ava dai vasina kuroorwa ndaimboita 1,2, testing. Anyway ndakangozoivhara vhara zvangu tikafara nedzimwewo nyaya. because kubasa tinofara, we are just like a big family.

We ended up taakuti tikapedza basa we would go mutown tombotandara tandara zvedu panzvimbo dzinofura mhepo because kumba kwake kwaimubhohwa ega, iniwo kwangu kwaive kuChawagona hapana. Taizoparadzana zvedu oenda zvake kumba kwake ini ndoenda kujere kwangu where I would find the Warderner (my wife) eagerly waiting for me. Sheila made me feel that nditori munhuwo nhai. She valued me so much, she respected me zvaitondinyadzisawo kana neni. Apa ndiBoss wangu kubasa, mabhuku akadyiwa zvemhando yepamusoro, In a nut shell she just made sure she managed me so well.

One day tirikubasa I just thought that it was time for action, I now wanted to take my wife head on, I wanted to divorce, but when I shared my plan with my friend Sheila, she told me kuti a real man will not even attempt do that, because a man does not solve a problem buy creating another one. Vana vangu two vanozochengetwa nani? She will remarry and I will remarry ko vana???? And a devil you know is better... you never know what you will meet in life. She gave me a good lecture about the devasitating consequences of my plan. She tore it apart and authoritatively she told me it was a non starter.

Confused but I dont usualy argue with facts. Tapedza basa takazopinda mutown since it was also payday ndaizoda kutenga list yezvinhu zvandange ndanyorerwa namai mwana. Takapinda maOkey mart iyo yekuEastlea ndikanzi naBoss Sheila can I have your list, ndakavapa and she bought everything netumwewo twavanoziva twunofarirwa nemadzimai at her account. Zvikanzi can you do me a favor, enda nemari yakakwana ne payslip yacho negrocery unopa mukadzi wako. kana pane zvimwe zvaanenge achida come tell me I will sort her out. and Iwe wacho come see me tommorrow ndikupe your pocket money. Ndakatenda kwazvo ndobva ndaenda zvangu.

Ndini uyo kuden grocery, cash nepayslip yacho tsvee apo. my wife was so happy, she did not even ask kuti maths dzacho dzirikufamba sei kuti pay yakakwana but pane grocery chapwati. Mari iya yakatanga kurongerwa ikapera hapana kutaurwa nyaya yetransport kubasa kana yanguwo yekuisa muhomwe. Truly I started seeing the other side of my wife.

The next day kubasa I gave Boss Sheila feedback and she gave me 200 bucks zvikanzi this will do for your transport or the whole month hanti. ndikati fyn, I felt like giving her a hug but look taiva pabasa. Sezvo yanga yave Friday masikati she called me zvikanzi what are your plans paweekend ndikati paive pasina, zvikanzi I have planned an exit weekend out of prison for you saka find your way out then I will take care of evrthing. I could not believe it, ndaka ronga ronga kwakufonera my wife ndikati sei sei zvinhu zvaita buggered ndikangopedza basa ndirikumhanya kuGandavaroyi kuneshamwari yangu yashaikirwa nehama yayo ikoko. Ndakakumbira cash zvebaiz imwe iya but mhinduro ndaiiziva zvangu. Mari yakapera wani. Ndakazoudza Sheila kuti yainge yachata ndikaona paface pake kuti bengenu akasimuka akada kuuya towards me but something restrained her. (This is a real story not fiction, I want to share it with the world maybe I will save a marriage) ngatisanganeyi pa part 2
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