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Saving My Marriage [Part 2]

Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira : Takachovha several years takadai, ndakatojaira upenyu hwangu, a single-married woman, nekuti wangu murume...

Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira: Takachovha several years takadai, ndakatojaira upenyu hwangu, a single-married woman, nekuti wangu murume aive muMBA (Married But Available).

Akazondivhurira restaurant paMontagu Centre, “to use my culinary skills and stay busy so that hasha, kufunga nestress zviite zvishoma ndisaswera paphone mumakuhwa ndichimutsvaga kuti anoitei” Can you imagine ndozvaakataura. It worked though, to my advantage or rather, our advantage. Nekuti I started living again, ndakatanga to have something to look forward to everyday. Planning my menus, setting tables, I was living my passion zvekuti ndakakanganwa kuti kune munhu anonzi Daniel Mukonoweshuro. I buried myself in my work, I did not ask him for any assistance, I did not update him, iyewo haana kubvunza, he had gotten it right, “good riddance to bad rubbish” akange andiisa paaida chaipo. I stopped self pity, I had my respectful workers who passionately called me auntie Stella, or mai Fadzie or mai Mukono. I had over satisfied customers who did not hide their appreciation; it gave me a new life and a new hope. I’d go to the restaurant as early as 4am and leave at 12 midnight. Pandakatanga kudaro ndakaona pouya 1 year contract yeSecurity Company which was paid and signed by Dan, they would also escort me home. That’s Bro Dan for you. This idiot my goodness. We did not discuss it, ndakangosiyawo zvakadaro.

I attracted the high and mighty, cream yemuHarare in my Restaurant, I had exorbitant prices even yesadza neguru, kana a 250ml glass of orange crush which was diluted in my restaurant yaitenga crate yemaCastle Lager saka paiuya vane mari yavo. Kuzoti party yandaironga yaitenga bus rinoenda Zaka nemapassenger aro. I did this to limit clients, and it worked well. I had sexy girls as waitresses, who were always in heels, pantihose and slightly above knee-high skirts. Ndini ndakavapa that uniform yandaisapfeka inini wacho … who cares.
Takachovha several years takadai, ndakatojaira upenyu hwangu, a single-married woman, nekuti wangu murume aive muMBA (Married But Available).
Inini ndaive Master Chef ndaitobika chaiko making international recipes. Ndaipfeka mahovhorosi angu ewhite everytime, sometimes ndaitobuda zvangu ndakadaro ndoenda mutown for s hopping , my friends were protesting kuti ndazonyanya as compared to my staff but handina kuita basa nazvo, handiti tinochenera varume here, wangu akange andisiya ndine polished face and the pantihose yacho, I had a 16yr old daughter to cover my fashion pitfalls. Ndaigochenera ani, I was not looking for a man. Dan’s endless female friends would point at me and make a fool of me kuti I am dirty, unlady like ndosaka ndakasiiwa nemurume. 

Sometimes ndaienda kuOffice ndowana Dan akagara netwusikana twake ofinyama akanditarisa, twusikana twopwipwinyika kuseka, I would do zvandafambira as the Finance Manager of Stedan Group of Companies …. Kutora mari yangu yese ndobuda nayo for banking, damn it.
At the restaurant, people would book tables for birthdays, engagements, and all special romantic dinners, I was up to it, ndaifadza macustomer angu.

One day ndakasvika pamba just after 9pm, ndikaona mota yaDan yakapaka panze, pandakabuda to open the gate, I noticed there was someone in the car, ndakaendapo, and opened, musikana akavhunduka,
“Who are you?” Akandibvunza musikana uya. Her face was heavily made up kuita sechidhambakuro, competing with a gecko I tell you.
“I am Mrs Mukonoweshuro Dan’s wife, what are you doing in my husband’s car, at my house”
“Liar!! Chiky is not married, ” kutondiitisa nharo, I failed to control myself ndikamurova mbama, pandakada kumurova yechipiri ndakabatwa ruoko.
“Stella stop it” I pushed Dan ndichida kudzokera kumusikana uya, Dan akandirova, for the first time since takatanga separation dzedu. Akandidhonzera mumba akanondisiya after some further beating and kicking. Akabuda achiti “stay the hell away from my private life”. This was it. Takange tisingadanani zvedu but I had hopes kuti zvichanaka. I had respect for him kuti murume wangu, but this day was just too much for me. I cried the whole night, I was hell bend that I was going to file for divorce. Unoda kurambwa kwakadii kunopfuura apa. Why should I continue living with a man who does not even care about my feelings? A man who shames and embarrasses me in front of his mistress? 

I failed to go to the restaurant the following day, ndakaswera ndakarara ndichikwata nehasha nehatred towards my so called husband. He came back later on during the day, tikangotarisana ndakazvimba hangu kumeso kwangu, he simply said; “What part of stay away from my private life don’t you understand?” Akaridza tsamwa ini ndichifinyamawo tichiparadzana. Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira
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