Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira : I was heartbroken to catch my wife red-handed, pants down with another man, the worst part was she was no...
Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira: I was heartbroken to catch my wife red-handed, pants down with another man, the worst part was she was not even ashamed of herself, no regret, no remorse.
Kana sorry yekunyepera haina kuuya zvayo, aitoda kuti ndibve pamba pangu, kuti ndiite hovhiyo zvaisaita ndiye aiita zvese. Akatoseka akawanza achiti kana ndikaudza hama dzedu ndini ndaizosekwa but pasina zvavanotibatsira nazvo. Ndakagara pamba pangu ndichinge worse than a servant, yainge human trafficking in my own marital home.
Everyday mukadzi wangu aipinda mumba after 10 pm, weekends aisatodzoka, kutsiura kwange konetsa. Ndakazofunga kutaura nebest friend yake Martha aive maid of honor pamuchato wedu. She was shocked to hear magariro edu, she promised me she was going to knock some sense into my wife. Little did I know this was a mistake, it made things worse. Vakauya vese after work, ini ndakafara nekuti I believed chokwadi chinosunungura, so I was prepared to discuss it at length sezvo tange tawana mediator. Mukadzi wangu akandituka, kundiita imbwa zvekuti kana naMartha wacho
akashamisika. Akaedza kudzora sahwira wake asi madam yange yave pipe yemasuweji yabvajuka.
Martha akabuda akaenda chinyararire. Ndikasara ndichinzi “Utaure futi with anyone else and the whole world will end up knowing what a useless man you are. Time yese yawakatora uchindinyeya dai wakandotsvaga basa wakatozvibatsira.”
Pazuva rakatevera, Martha akauya nguva dzebasa, akasvikonditi, “Sorry henyu baba Tadiwa, handina kuziva kuti situation nemukadzi wenyu is that bad, dai ndakasiyana nazvo. But ndakatadza kurara nemashoko akataurika, I felt like I caused you more pain than zvazvange zviri. ” ndakangogutsurira musoro. Martha was a single mother of 1. Akange angomitiswa nemuface akaenda UK nemhuri yake. Ndiye shamwari yemukadzi wangu aive nice and prayerful and kubvira day randasangana naGetrude my wife, vaive vese. “Ndiregerereiwo bamukuru, ndoshaya kuti ndingakubatsirai sei…” takanzwa Takunda Jnr mwana wangu ave kuchema ndakasimuka kuti ndinomuisira mvura yekugeza neporridge. Martha zvakamunyadzisa and she took over. Zvechokwadi rimwe basa nderevakadzi, in 20mins, mwana ange achena aguta porridge ave kusekerera ari pamakumbo peshamwari yamai vake. Akazoyeneka ndokuenda.
Manheru acho madzimai akauya ese, mai Takunda mudzimai wangu ndokuti; “Martha has an offer for you, hanzi kubasa kwavo kuri kudiwa tea boy and cleaner, akabva apofoka kuseka zvake.” Ndakaona Martha akatsikitsira, vanenge vaida kundinzwa vakadzi ava. Ndakamboramba ndakanyarara ndichifunga kuti from Senior Bank accountant to tea boy, ndozvinoita upenyu. But pamba pangu ndaive chii? Zvaisave nane here kubikira vanhu tea vachiku respector vachiti thank you, than kuzviita uchitsoropodzwa nekutukwa nemunhu wawakatora from poverty, ukamupa white wedding, which you single handedly financed, ukamupa education kuti aite mari yekukutsvinyira nayo.
Ndakabvuma, ndikati ndaizosvika kumaoffice avo mangwana makuseni. Vachiri vakashamisika kudaro ndakabuda ndonobvisa hembe dzandange ndawacha panze kuti ndichiayina zvangu. Ndakatotanga kuayina Martha achiripo, Getrude ndokuti; “tipeiwo juice baba Takunda”, I obeyed, ndokuzoenderera mberi nebasa rangu, Martha aingonwa achidzipwa zvekuti ndakapotsa ndaseka zvangu.
Mangwana acho ndakaenda kwaishanda Martha kuTrust Group of Companies, yaive Group of Companies yemaLawyers, Transport Services (Haulage Trucks) and Gold Mining. So ndaizoshanda paHeadquarters, the Company yaive nemaOffices mutown 9th Floor yese paKarikamombe Centre yaive yavo, ndopandaizotsvaira nekubika tea. Martha aive personal Assistant to the CEO ndosaka akange aziva nezvebasa iri. She took me to the CEO vaive amai vechikuru Mrs Burkhard murume wavo was the Operations Director, hanzi aisada office work he was a hands on Swiss guy akange aroora amai ava vaibva kuChinhoyi ndokuita business empire yavo muZimbabwe.
I was interviewed pandakangopinda. Pavakaverenga CV yangu vakashama muromo, ndokuti; “You are desperate for a job, but uri kunditambisira nguva yangu, ndiri kuda tea-boy, meaning someone with no O Level but kitchen experience. So accountant anodeiko pano, soon you will resign wawana basa rako”, Martha ndiye aitora maminutes ndakaona avatarisa achisiririsa, but vakakurumidza kuti, “But its fine, show him around ugomupa Job Description and Contract yake, we will have another talk kana Burkhard adzoka.”. Ndakatura befu ndokutenda chaizvo ndichitevera Martha. Ndakabvunza Martha kuti Burkhard wacho aidzoka riniko akati after 4 months, anenge ari muHarare asi asingauye kuOffice anoshanda kuGarage, Warehouse nekuMine zvakanyanya. Ndakatotanga kurova budget ndichiti US$250 yandaizowana apa yaifanira kundibvisa muuranda hwaGetrude basa risati rapera.
After work Getrude akandofa zvake nekuseka achiwanza kuti after 4 months basa raizopera futi ndodzokera kuita house boy wake. Mudzimai wangu ange ave kundisemesa, ndaizvidzora hasha dzangu every time coz dai ndaimubata ndaimuuraya. I believed in a future so ndaisada zvejere and I loved my son Takunda. I believed it was only a matter of time before things changed.
Kubasa ndaicleaner all floors nekuendesa tea mumaoffice evanhu vese nekuzondotora macup ndichiasuka, ndoyaive job description yangu. Asi Martha akaramba kuti ndimuunzire tea, zvaisamuitira. Takatanga kuita nguva yakareba tiri tese naMartha pabasa nekumba, Martha aiziva kuti mukadzi wangu anodanana naboss wake. Ndakange ndazviudzwa zvangu neboys asi I decided to let it go. Pamba ndaigarira mwana wangu, asi ndakange ndave neplan. Ndaizobvapo at the slightest opportunity.
On the 5th month, pakaitwa Management meeting, it was the biggest paTrust Group of Company, so they even hired catering services from outside. Mrs Burkhard vakanditi I was supposed to supervise zvechikafu izvi, so I was just in my overalls and aproan. Takadaidzwa tese muBoard Room for introductions, maBoss edu aida kuti vashandi vese tiite semhuri imwe chete. So paround table pange pane the bosses from the Group; CEO Mrs Burkhard, Operations Director Mr Burkhard, panext pavo paive ne empty chair hameno akange anonoka aifanira kuuya, then Communications Manager and 3 other Managers of different Projects. I was shocked to see 2 people vandaiziva 1 akanyanya kundirwadza was Jane we had dated briefly tiri O Level then takazoenda kuA Level to different schools zvikangopera, ndakaita mudumbu nenyadzi, kuita dzungu rekusvoda. The other one aive muSenior wangu paUZ tichiita BAcc tese, taizivana akafara kuona mupfana wake akashamawo nezvandaive paCompany apa.
So munhu wese aizvi introducer otaura zita rake nezvaanoita paCompany apa. After round table isu taive at the back ndokwaive nemaClerk ese nemaSupervisor. Ndakangoti am Mr Takunda Mawere caretaker. Then the CEO took over welcoming us all.
Vakazoti; “Our newest employee Takunda is our tea-boy and Cleaner,” Ko zvaidzokorororweiko, “but he won’t be the teaboy for long, today will be his last day as our teaboy and cleaner.” Ah mai ava vangandidzinga basa pamberi pevanhu vese so, I was not shocked, ndaizvitarisira since the day randapinda basa racho. Asi ndaifunga kuti vachandidaidzawo muoffice vondiudza. My fears were confirmed, ndakaita mudumbu zvekuti dai zvakangopfuurira ipapa ndaiita manyoka pachair pandaive ndakagara. Munhu wese akabva ati haaaa, vachindicheukira, asi inzwi raMartha raive pamusoro.
CEO continued; “That empty chair is for the Group Accountant, for the past year we have been looking for the right person and today we are appointing Takunda Mawere for that post.” Apa ndopandakazoita shock manje ……. I was now the Chief Accountant of Trust Group of Companies.
Musangano wakazopera ndagara padivi paOperations Director, povo yakazobudiswa mukasara top management of which I was one of them, vakange vazvitaura tichitanga so that I can attend the meeting ndichinzwawo different reports. After work ndakakumbirisa Martha kuti asandoudza mudzimai wangu yaive nyaya yandaida kuita ndega at my own time.
The Burkhards called me in their office to sign my new contract, Mr Burkhard vakati; “Am glad you are in my wife’s good books, she insisted on this surprise appointment, u know, I was totally against it. Congratulations. So here are the keys to your Navara, your company car, and unless you insist on staying in your own house, our Company policy says you should stay in the Company house in Eastlea, for security reasons because you will be handling the most precious things in this Company. As a couple, we trust you, do not let us down.” Zvese zvavakandipa ndakatora, but handina kutama musi iwoyo.
First month I furnished my new house, and made all necessary changes zvandaida. Uku kwandaigara naGetrude handina kuchinja zvandaiita I was the ridiculed useless teaboy. Ndakambozvipa uranda kuti plan yangu yekusiya Getrude ibudirire asazowana wekupomera kuti ndakarambwa, ndakatizwa or ndakatorerwa murume. So ndaiti from my office ndoenda kuEastlea ndonochinja hembe nekusiya mota. Ndopinda muCombi ndoenda kumukadzi nemwana. Makuseni ndaibuda mumba neoverall, ndonochinja kuEastlea nekutora Navara yangu. Nekuda kwekuzvida kwake Getrude haana kuona kuti mumba makange masara tunhu twangu tushoma shoma. Pandakatanga kukurumidza kubuda mumba mudzimai aiseka zvake kuti macleaners endai mundo cleaner kuti mashefu awne premise yachena. It was all good. I was now spending weekends naMartha kuimba yangu yebasa.
Nguva yandaida kubva pamba yakasvika. Sezvaakange ave maitiro ake mudzimai wangu aiti zvamubata ondituka ondidzinga mumba, musi uyu ndowandaida, akapopota achitukirira zvaanga ajaira, ndokunditi ndibude mumbe make maaibhadhara rent. Ndakatora wallet yangu nekabag kaive netuhembe tushoma tweSvondo iroro and left, for good. Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira,
Everyday mukadzi wangu aipinda mumba after 10 pm, weekends aisatodzoka, kutsiura kwange konetsa. Ndakazofunga kutaura nebest friend yake Martha aive maid of honor pamuchato wedu. She was shocked to hear magariro edu, she promised me she was going to knock some sense into my wife. Little did I know this was a mistake, it made things worse. Vakauya vese after work, ini ndakafara nekuti I believed chokwadi chinosunungura, so I was prepared to discuss it at length sezvo tange tawana mediator. Mukadzi wangu akandituka, kundiita imbwa zvekuti kana naMartha wacho
akashamisika. Akaedza kudzora sahwira wake asi madam yange yave pipe yemasuweji yabvajuka.
Martha akabuda akaenda chinyararire. Ndikasara ndichinzi “Utaure futi with anyone else and the whole world will end up knowing what a useless man you are. Time yese yawakatora uchindinyeya dai wakandotsvaga basa wakatozvibatsira.”
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Ndozvinoita Hupenyu |
Manheru acho madzimai akauya ese, mai Takunda mudzimai wangu ndokuti; “Martha has an offer for you, hanzi kubasa kwavo kuri kudiwa tea boy and cleaner, akabva apofoka kuseka zvake.” Ndakaona Martha akatsikitsira, vanenge vaida kundinzwa vakadzi ava. Ndakamboramba ndakanyarara ndichifunga kuti from Senior Bank accountant to tea boy, ndozvinoita upenyu. But pamba pangu ndaive chii? Zvaisave nane here kubikira vanhu tea vachiku respector vachiti thank you, than kuzviita uchitsoropodzwa nekutukwa nemunhu wawakatora from poverty, ukamupa white wedding, which you single handedly financed, ukamupa education kuti aite mari yekukutsvinyira nayo.
Ndakabvuma, ndikati ndaizosvika kumaoffice avo mangwana makuseni. Vachiri vakashamisika kudaro ndakabuda ndonobvisa hembe dzandange ndawacha panze kuti ndichiayina zvangu. Ndakatotanga kuayina Martha achiripo, Getrude ndokuti; “tipeiwo juice baba Takunda”, I obeyed, ndokuzoenderera mberi nebasa rangu, Martha aingonwa achidzipwa zvekuti ndakapotsa ndaseka zvangu.
Mangwana acho ndakaenda kwaishanda Martha kuTrust Group of Companies, yaive Group of Companies yemaLawyers, Transport Services (Haulage Trucks) and Gold Mining. So ndaizoshanda paHeadquarters, the Company yaive nemaOffices mutown 9th Floor yese paKarikamombe Centre yaive yavo, ndopandaizotsvaira nekubika tea. Martha aive personal Assistant to the CEO ndosaka akange aziva nezvebasa iri. She took me to the CEO vaive amai vechikuru Mrs Burkhard murume wavo was the Operations Director, hanzi aisada office work he was a hands on Swiss guy akange aroora amai ava vaibva kuChinhoyi ndokuita business empire yavo muZimbabwe.
I was interviewed pandakangopinda. Pavakaverenga CV yangu vakashama muromo, ndokuti; “You are desperate for a job, but uri kunditambisira nguva yangu, ndiri kuda tea-boy, meaning someone with no O Level but kitchen experience. So accountant anodeiko pano, soon you will resign wawana basa rako”, Martha ndiye aitora maminutes ndakaona avatarisa achisiririsa, but vakakurumidza kuti, “But its fine, show him around ugomupa Job Description and Contract yake, we will have another talk kana Burkhard adzoka.”. Ndakatura befu ndokutenda chaizvo ndichitevera Martha. Ndakabvunza Martha kuti Burkhard wacho aidzoka riniko akati after 4 months, anenge ari muHarare asi asingauye kuOffice anoshanda kuGarage, Warehouse nekuMine zvakanyanya. Ndakatotanga kurova budget ndichiti US$250 yandaizowana apa yaifanira kundibvisa muuranda hwaGetrude basa risati rapera.
After work Getrude akandofa zvake nekuseka achiwanza kuti after 4 months basa raizopera futi ndodzokera kuita house boy wake. Mudzimai wangu ange ave kundisemesa, ndaizvidzora hasha dzangu every time coz dai ndaimubata ndaimuuraya. I believed in a future so ndaisada zvejere and I loved my son Takunda. I believed it was only a matter of time before things changed.
Kubasa ndaicleaner all floors nekuendesa tea mumaoffice evanhu vese nekuzondotora macup ndichiasuka, ndoyaive job description yangu. Asi Martha akaramba kuti ndimuunzire tea, zvaisamuitira. Takatanga kuita nguva yakareba tiri tese naMartha pabasa nekumba, Martha aiziva kuti mukadzi wangu anodanana naboss wake. Ndakange ndazviudzwa zvangu neboys asi I decided to let it go. Pamba ndaigarira mwana wangu, asi ndakange ndave neplan. Ndaizobvapo at the slightest opportunity.
The situation gave me time naMartha, I got to know her better, she was an exceptional woman, ndakapedzisira ndave kuzvibvunza why ndisina kungonyenga iye pakutanga. Kana iye ndakaona joy yange yawanda, and ainyanyofara tiri tega ange asingachauyi kumba kwangu like before, ange asingachadi kuti ini, naye nemukadzi wangu tive in the same space, aisada kunzwa ndichitsvinyirwa. She respected me as a man, aiona future yandaive hopeless nayo about myself. Taienda kushoping tese after work, kana pane zvandaida ndaimuudza achindipa honest answers. Even kubasa Mrs Burkhard vaipota vachindipa some accounting responsibilities zvaiita tiswere tese naMartha. I forgot munhu wandaigara naye mumba. One day ndakatomuudza kuti I am in love with you, and we kissed, long hard and passionately but akazotiza and smsed me achiti the incident should never repeat itself, ndakasekerera zvangu ndikati nechomumoyo we will see about that.
On the 5th month, pakaitwa Management meeting, it was the biggest paTrust Group of Company, so they even hired catering services from outside. Mrs Burkhard vakanditi I was supposed to supervise zvechikafu izvi, so I was just in my overalls and aproan. Takadaidzwa tese muBoard Room for introductions, maBoss edu aida kuti vashandi vese tiite semhuri imwe chete. So paround table pange pane the bosses from the Group; CEO Mrs Burkhard, Operations Director Mr Burkhard, panext pavo paive ne empty chair hameno akange anonoka aifanira kuuya, then Communications Manager and 3 other Managers of different Projects. I was shocked to see 2 people vandaiziva 1 akanyanya kundirwadza was Jane we had dated briefly tiri O Level then takazoenda kuA Level to different schools zvikangopera, ndakaita mudumbu nenyadzi, kuita dzungu rekusvoda. The other one aive muSenior wangu paUZ tichiita BAcc tese, taizivana akafara kuona mupfana wake akashamawo nezvandaive paCompany apa.
So munhu wese aizvi introducer otaura zita rake nezvaanoita paCompany apa. After round table isu taive at the back ndokwaive nemaClerk ese nemaSupervisor. Ndakangoti am Mr Takunda Mawere caretaker. Then the CEO took over welcoming us all.
Vakazoti; “Our newest employee Takunda is our tea-boy and Cleaner,” Ko zvaidzokorororweiko, “but he won’t be the teaboy for long, today will be his last day as our teaboy and cleaner.” Ah mai ava vangandidzinga basa pamberi pevanhu vese so, I was not shocked, ndaizvitarisira since the day randapinda basa racho. Asi ndaifunga kuti vachandidaidzawo muoffice vondiudza. My fears were confirmed, ndakaita mudumbu zvekuti dai zvakangopfuurira ipapa ndaiita manyoka pachair pandaive ndakagara. Munhu wese akabva ati haaaa, vachindicheukira, asi inzwi raMartha raive pamusoro.
CEO continued; “That empty chair is for the Group Accountant, for the past year we have been looking for the right person and today we are appointing Takunda Mawere for that post.” Apa ndopandakazoita shock manje ……. I was now the Chief Accountant of Trust Group of Companies.
Musangano wakazopera ndagara padivi paOperations Director, povo yakazobudiswa mukasara top management of which I was one of them, vakange vazvitaura tichitanga so that I can attend the meeting ndichinzwawo different reports. After work ndakakumbirisa Martha kuti asandoudza mudzimai wangu yaive nyaya yandaida kuita ndega at my own time.
The Burkhards called me in their office to sign my new contract, Mr Burkhard vakati; “Am glad you are in my wife’s good books, she insisted on this surprise appointment, u know, I was totally against it. Congratulations. So here are the keys to your Navara, your company car, and unless you insist on staying in your own house, our Company policy says you should stay in the Company house in Eastlea, for security reasons because you will be handling the most precious things in this Company. As a couple, we trust you, do not let us down.” Zvese zvavakandipa ndakatora, but handina kutama musi iwoyo.
First month I furnished my new house, and made all necessary changes zvandaida. Uku kwandaigara naGetrude handina kuchinja zvandaiita I was the ridiculed useless teaboy. Ndakambozvipa uranda kuti plan yangu yekusiya Getrude ibudirire asazowana wekupomera kuti ndakarambwa, ndakatizwa or ndakatorerwa murume. So ndaiti from my office ndoenda kuEastlea ndonochinja hembe nekusiya mota. Ndopinda muCombi ndoenda kumukadzi nemwana. Makuseni ndaibuda mumba neoverall, ndonochinja kuEastlea nekutora Navara yangu. Nekuda kwekuzvida kwake Getrude haana kuona kuti mumba makange masara tunhu twangu tushoma shoma. Pandakatanga kukurumidza kubuda mumba mudzimai aiseka zvake kuti macleaners endai mundo cleaner kuti mashefu awne premise yachena. It was all good. I was now spending weekends naMartha kuimba yangu yebasa.
Nguva yandaida kubva pamba yakasvika. Sezvaakange ave maitiro ake mudzimai wangu aiti zvamubata ondituka ondidzinga mumba, musi uyu ndowandaida, akapopota achitukirira zvaanga ajaira, ndokunditi ndibude mumbe make maaibhadhara rent. Ndakatora wallet yangu nekabag kaive netuhembe tushoma tweSvondo iroro and left, for good. Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira,
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