Stories by: Rutendo L. Nzira : One weekend ndichibva kuchikoro I received an International call, hana yangu yakarova nekuti this call was l...
Stories by: Rutendo L. Nzira: One weekend ndichibva kuchikoro I received an International call, hana yangu yakarova nekuti this call was long over due,
“Sisi vangu, my sister” ndakadavira nemisodzi ichitobuda yekufara, takamboita some joyful screams then I briefed her about what was happening to me. She was not so impressed nekuti vakange vachida kuti ndiite course, all the same I was still studying, so zvange zvakanaka zvakadaro.“Sorry I took long to call you, it’s been hectic, new place, new house, new job, murumewo ah my sister, bamukuru vako is very demanding so hey zvange zvakandiwandira” vakatsanangura.
Ndakasekerera ndichinakidzwa nazvese zvavaitaura, and voice ravo was so full of true love, she cared for me. Vange vasina kumbochinja, she was the same old sisi Anna. And the line was so clear ndainzwa sevari paseri apo. Ndakabva ndati; “hamusi kuuya here this Christmas?”
“Its too early wena we are not coming, but let’s keep in touch, you have exams to write, kana wapedza toona kuti what’s next. Zvekugara mudzimba dzevanhu izvo zvichipera, we need to do something that will secure you. Kwete kugara mumba mevanhu nekuti hauna kwekuenda. Upase 15 points chaidzo Grace iwe, handika”
“Chokwadi sisi Anna.”ndakadaro misodzi yazara mumaziso. She was always providing the guidance and counselling yandaida, something I needed in my life.
“Ok ok Grace, no more crying, we are still together, I miss you my little sister. We will be together again soon. Bye I will call again.” Ndakambotura befu. My sister, my friend. In Jesus name, my God when you bless me, double that blessing to sisi Anna.
Ndakasvika pamba ndakafara, auntie Star vaivepo nemurume wavo, kunge vange vakandimirira, vakabva vati; “Taita crises kuGuesthouse kwedu, pane munhu asina kuuya kubasa nhasi, so toda kuti uende undobatsira basa now. Handei.” I knew kuti these people had businesses but ndaisaziva kuti nderei business racho, ok so it was a Guesthouse.
Takabva tangoenda ku Plot, a bit outside town kwainzi kuMatsheumhlope. At the gate it was well decorated pane sign yenyeredzi hombe yakanakisa, it was well designed zvekutoteya maziso like the real thing. Inside the yard, at the entrance pange pakanyorwa again kuti THE STAR GUESTHOUSE, it was attractive semuridzi wezita.
Takasvika auntie Star ndokundiratidza zvavaida kuti ndiite booking people nekupa guests munhu wavaida….. I was confused, unopa munhu kumunhu sei? Takaenda in another room maive nevasikana 10, they looked drunk and were smoking, six of them were South Africans. Vese waved smiling at Auntie Star and Uncle D. So inini basa rangu raive rekuita book in murume auya achida one of these bitches, vamwe vaiuya vachitoziva wavanoda, vamwe vaiuya vasingazive, so I was supposed to take 3 and send to the guest’s room then he chooses. Ivo vasikana ava knew the roaster, how to take turns to the guest’s room when needed. Ah was this their business? And ndaifanira kushanda apa pakadai? Inini manje?
The girls were skimply dressed, half naked, exxagerated make-up yaiiswa over and over again. So I was sent back to the reception area. Nzvimbo iyi yairema yaityisa, I quickly understood why auntie Star was like that; to own a brothel, and make human beings work as sex slaves zvaida dombo remoyo not of flesh and blood as God gave us. Tichisvika pareception area, paive nevarume two, smartly dressed, vakakwazisana naUncle D vachiratidza kuzivana chose. Mumwe wavo akati “I want my usual Lerato the Xhosa queen, in my usual presidential suite.” Akataura achizvida kunge aindochera gold raizogadzira ladder to heaven, hezvo. We booked him in, ndichitodzidziswa how it was done naAuntie Star.
Mumwe akasara akamirapo, till Uncle D vazoti; “And you Slash, who and where? time is money,” vakaseka vese Slash wacho achibva afamba achiuya over the counter paReception pandaive; “Uncle D hauite hauite, waa kumberi kwekuseri. I can see you have this freshly squezzed tropical juice here, give it to me, I will pay double, or even triple, I can smell that this is a new one, intact my man, an unused one, give it to me, allow me the pleasure of opening it up madoda.” Slash uya akadaro achibata dama rangu. Ndakange ndanzwa kuti paitaurwa nezvangu but mashoko acho confused me.
Uncle D vakatarisa Auntie Star vachizhinya ndokuti nezeve zeve kumudzimai wavo; “I told you babes, Grace is super hooooot, she will take us to greater heights. Look at her, just take a good look at her, no make up, but just too hoooot….” Auntie Star vakafinyama ndokumira pakati pangu naSlash vachindivharira. “You men are not serious, you know that? Get me right Slash, this girl is a no go area, forbidden, she is a visitor here. If you can’t get from the usual 10, then you can leave, hamba wena, get out of my premises. Amadoda yizinja uyazi.”
“Star, you can’t say that …..” Uncle D vakadaro, hana yangu yange yorova ndiri kumashure kwa Auntie Star.
“No no Dumisani we discussed this!” Uncle D naSlash vakabva vabuda panze ndakasara naAuntie Star. Vakabva vati; “Ignore those idiots. Now you know men’s brains are between their legs.” Vakabva vanyarara votarisa zvimwe zvinhu pane imwe computer. Vakabva vati, “Soon I will teach you how to use a gun” vaiita sevanotaura vega, hana yangu yakarova even more. Hapanazve chimwe chavakataura about this issue, asi ndakazoita 3 consecutive days ndichishanda apa, then receptionist wavo akadzoka, then ndikazogara hangu kumba.
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When My God... When? |
Since that day ndakabva ndaziva kuti ndaifanira kubva apa paive dangerous, mari yeropa chaiyo. How long was Auntie Star going to protect me? How about kana ndaizosara naUncle D chete auntie vasipo. Ndakatya, my God, when will I ever get rest. Apa maexams ange oswedera ndaida kunyora ndigobvapo chopas. Sisi Anna had gotten it right; “Zvekugara mudzimba dzevanhu izvo zvichipera, we need to do something that will secure you. Kwete kugara mumba mevanhu nekuti hauna kwekuenda.”
Ndakazosanganidzana negirlfriend yamukoma Nkosi mumwe musi ashanya kuCottage kwavo. Ndakange ndaenda kundokumbira kuti vazoisa bulb remuLounge raitoda ladder. So when I knocked ndiye akabuda, munongozivawo vakadzi it’s hate at first sight, hatina kunyatsowirirana paakandiona. Pataiita basa mumba, mukoma Nkosi mentioned kuti she came from Gweru ange ashanda in Bulawayo for a long time now, so I decided to befriend her kuti ndizive zvandaida. Ndakadzokera and asked her to come help me to iron bed linen, ndopatakazowirirana aona kuti ndaive ndisinei nemuface wake.
That’s how I got to know kuti this Tshabalala couple were into drugs and brothels. Uncle D was of South African origin, vaibva nevamwe vasikana ikoko. Maparty aiitwa pamba were to bribe the authorities kuti vasavharirwa mabusiness avo. Akazoseka oti she had hated me nekuti this home was associated with drugs, prostution and other serious illegal dealings so vanhu vaigarapo vaisafaririka. Ndakamunzwisisawo.
Manheru iwayo ndakakurumidza kuenda in my bedroom to study, later on I heard my bosses talking vari muTV room next to my room.
“Dumi you seem to have forgotten our agreement, we said no girl is ever forced into it. We only take those who are willing to do it. Can’t you see Grace is just too innocent?”
“Innocent my foot! Abafazi bonke yizifebe, lawe, waulihule sizesihlangane” (all women are bitches, even you, you were a bitch when I met you.)
“Innocent my foot! Abafazi bonke yizifebe, lawe, waulihule sizesihlangane” (all women are bitches, even you, you were a bitch when I met you.)
Auntie Star vakaridza tsamwa ndokuti; “You are full of nonsense uyazi. Still if you insist, then Grace has to go, am dismissing her. She is also underage.”
“No wonder women are always poor in business. This is business, purely business, don’t be sentimental. In Mzansi we used to get 12year olds, they are the best, easily marketable, and this Grace is 17 already. Why don’t you concentrate on teaching sweet little innocent Grace some bedroom tips hey? You know a virgin is boring, then we can give her to the Police Chief.” Handina kunzwa kupindura kwaAuntie Star.
“All those guys who were here for the parties we hosted can’t stop asking about her and you know that Star. But now it’s critical, you know Khumalo the Police Chief is ruthless. If we don’t give her to him we are busted.”
“No! no no Dumisani we can’t do that!” Auntie Star shouted. “I will get someone else for Khumalo.” Ndakanzwa vobuda voenda kubedroom kwavo. Misodzi yakaerera again, When my God when will I live a safe independent life?
Ndakange ndagara hangu ndisingaite nyaya naAuntie Star asi pamazuva akatevera ndakaona kuti tange tatove netension between us. Then mumwe musi ndichitove busy cleaning vakandidaidza vakati;
“Grace, you are a good girl, I don’t want to ruin your life, so am letting you go. You are the most wonderful girl I have ever met, but it’s complicated. This is my way of appreciating your exceptional services in my house, and I am also saving your life. Go in your room, pack your things and go now before Dumisani comes back .”
As usual, Auntie Star was difficult to ask anything, communication with her was one way. But I knew from zvandakange ndanzwa vachitaura ndopaive nenyaya. Ndakazvuva makumbo angu ndonorongedza katundu kangu, vakandipa 2 months’ salary ndokunondisiya kuRank kwaiwanikwa mabhazi eMasvingo. Stories by: Rutendo L. Nzira.
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